Victims of Va. Tech, Va. Beach mass shootings seek to create permanent fund for survivors, families
The Virginia Mass Violence Care Fund would invest the money in a manner similar to the state’s “529 Fund,” which helps parents pay their children’s college expenses, and use an expected yield of $400,000 per year to help victims.
Mass shooting survivors, victims’ families push Virginia legislators for long-term financial support
Advocates of the Virginia Mass Violence Care Fund, met with a group of state lawmakers in Richmond to share their stories.
Virginia Beach Mass Shooting Support for SB-30
Commission voted unanimously to support and recommend that the General Assembly adopt SB-30 that would create a $10 million Mass Violence Care Fund that could cover some medical expenses for victims of the mass shooting.
NASPA - Student Affairs Administrators in Higher Education partners with ZeroNow to make schools safer.
NASPA is a valuable addition to the ZeroNow partnership, in part because of its work with the VTV Family Outreach Foundation to develop a security self-assessment tool used in colleges and universities,” said ZeroNow Board President Ara Bagdasarian. “This partnership is a natural expansion of our mission to drive innovation, best practices, and policy to keep students safe.
Forging Purpose From Tragedy
VTV Family Outreach Foundation President, Joe Samaha, discusses how the families and survivors of the 2007 mass shooting on the Virginia Tech campus have forged a new purpose from the tragedy.
Safety pioneers join forces to make campuses secure
VTV Family Outreach Foundation President, Joe Samaha, said, “This is the campus safety stakeholders working together towards collective impact…
Foundation Plants Trees
The Virginia Tech Victims Family Outreach Foundation is planting the first phase of its memorial tree grove at Chinquapin Park.
Survivors Speak
The attack at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Fla., last month was the latest in what seems like an inescapable pattern to proponents of gun safety: gunfire, thoughts and prayers, funerals and public mourning, until the next time.
Town Hall Reflects on Gun Violence
A crowd of 1300 attended a town hall meeting with U.S. Representatives Don Beyer (D-VA) and Ted Deutch (D-FL) in addition to featured speaker Fred Guttenberg at T.C. Williams High School on March 7
Be There for Each Other
The questions are endless and relentless. How am I going to survive this? Will my family, my husband, my wife, my mother, my father, my sister, my brother ever be OK again?
Virginia Tech Families Share Sympathy
As the nation grapples with the shock and anguish caused by the Las Vegas shootings, family members from the Virginia Tech shootings have particular compassion for the lives lost, the survivors, and their families.
Remembering the College Massacre 10 Years Later
For Virginia Tech student Colin Goddard, April 16, 2007, started out like any other Monday, with no sign that it was “going to be the craziest experience” of his life.
10 Years Later
Although it is a tragedy that remains fresh in our minds, this week will mark 10 years since the shootings at Virginia Tech that cost the lives of 32 people, physically injured at least 24 others and traumatized many more.
Preventing Another Virginia Tech
Ten years ago, on April 16, 2007, a college student — who had been adjudicated a danger to himself in a court of law — bought two guns, went to his campus, and committed two rounds of shootings in one morning.
Survivors/Victims’ Families Fight to Prevent Another VT Attack
Since 2007, even while dealing with their own pain and loss, the families of the victims and survivors of the shootings have been fighting to save the lives of others.
One Victim’s Father Looks Beyond Guns
After his daughter’s death in the 2007 massacre at Virginia Tech, Joseph Samaha grew weary of empty political promises on gun control legislation and sought a middle ground to promote safer campuses.
Want to make a difference? Consider donating to VTVCARE to help fund the long-term care needs of mass shooting survivors nationwide.